Grand Challenge Status

This page shows the status of components of

Last updated 13 September 2024 13:28

Incident history

Execution of algorithms and email sending broken

Started 13 September 2024 02:55
  • Algorithm jobs
  • Challenge evaluations

Incident Summary

We are experiencing issues with our queues. As a result, algorithms currently cannot be queued for execution and emails can't be sent. We are working on fixing the issue.


13 September 2024 02:55Incident started
13 September 2024 10:55Issue identified
13 September 2024 13:20Issue resolved

Uploading of images and containers broken

Started 02 July 2024 19:00
  • Image handling

Incident Summary

Image and container uploads currently get stuck in "initializing" state due to an issue in our uploads backend. We are working on resolving the issue.


02 July 2024 19:00Incident started
03 July 2024 07:00Issue identified
03 July 2024 10:30Incident resolved